Ingredienti: 230gr di farina - 70gr di farina di mandorle - 1 cucchiaino e ½ di lievito - 120gr di burro - 100gr di zucchero - 2 uova - 30gr di zenzero fresco grattuggiato - 4 cucchiai di latte - 1 pizzico di sale - granella di zucchero
Setacciare insieme le due farine, il lievito e il pizzico di sale. Montare a crema il burro con lo zucchero, quindi aggiungere le uova e lo zenzero grattuggiato. Versarvi la miscela di farine, mescolare bene e infine ammorbidire con il latte. Versare il composto in uno stampo da plumcake imburrato, spolverizzare a piacere con granella di zucchero e cuocere a 170° per 40-45 minuti (se si dovesse scurire troppo coprire con un foglio di alluminio).

Almonds and ginger plumcake
Sooner or later I was going to try ginger in a plumcake so, here it is: great experiment, I dare say, as it vanished in a trice. It's not too spongy as regular plumcakes because of almond flour - but soft enough - and, obviously, fresh ginger gives to it that unmistakable flavour that I love so much!
Ingredients: 230gr flour - 70gr (1/3 cup - 2.7oz) almonds flour - 1½ tsp baking powder - 120gr (0.53cup-4.2oz) butter - 100gr (½cup-3.5oz) sugar - 2 eggs - 30gr (2tbs) grated fresh ginger root - 4tbs milk - 1 pinch of salt - sugar grains
Sift together both flours, baking powder and salt. Whisk butter with sugar until creamy, then add eggs and grated ginger. Mix with flour blend, stir well and add milk. Pour into a greased plumcake tin and sprinkle with sugar grains. Bake at 170°C (325F-gas mark 3) for 40-45 minutes (if it gets too dark cover it up with alluminium paper).
Setacciare insieme le due farine, il lievito e il pizzico di sale. Montare a crema il burro con lo zucchero, quindi aggiungere le uova e lo zenzero grattuggiato. Versarvi la miscela di farine, mescolare bene e infine ammorbidire con il latte. Versare il composto in uno stampo da plumcake imburrato, spolverizzare a piacere con granella di zucchero e cuocere a 170° per 40-45 minuti (se si dovesse scurire troppo coprire con un foglio di alluminio).

Sooner or later I was going to try ginger in a plumcake so, here it is: great experiment, I dare say, as it vanished in a trice. It's not too spongy as regular plumcakes because of almond flour - but soft enough - and, obviously, fresh ginger gives to it that unmistakable flavour that I love so much!
Ingredients: 230gr flour - 70gr (1/3 cup - 2.7oz) almonds flour - 1½ tsp baking powder - 120gr (0.53cup-4.2oz) butter - 100gr (½cup-3.5oz) sugar - 2 eggs - 30gr (2tbs) grated fresh ginger root - 4tbs milk - 1 pinch of salt - sugar grains
Sift together both flours, baking powder and salt. Whisk butter with sugar until creamy, then add eggs and grated ginger. Mix with flour blend, stir well and add milk. Pour into a greased plumcake tin and sprinkle with sugar grains. Bake at 170°C (325F-gas mark 3) for 40-45 minutes (if it gets too dark cover it up with alluminium paper).
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