BUON NATALE a tutti! :)
Ingredienti: 170gr di farina - 220gr di farina di mandorle - 150gr di zucchero - 160gr di burro - 100gr di uvetta - un pizzico di sale - zucchero a velo.
Mescolare assieme la farina, lo zucchero, il sale e le mandorle. Aggiungere le uova e il burro freddo tagliato a dadini e amalgamere bene gli ingredienti. Aggiungere l'uvetta precedentemente fatta ammorbidire in acqua calda, quindi strizzata e ben asciugata. Lasciar riposare l'impasto in frigo per un'ora.Per la cottura: ora sta a voi decidere se volete dei biscottini morbidi oppure croccanti (io non so decidermi, mi piacciono entrambi!)
Per i biscotti morbidi formare delle palline, sistemarle in una teglia rivestita di carta forno, ben distanziate tra loro, quindi infornare a 160° per 10-11 minuti (appena inizieranno a colorirsi i bordi tirare fuori). Per i biscotti croccanti invece formare sempre delle palline ma schiacciarle leggermente e cuocerle a 160° per 15-17 minuti (dovranno essere belle colorite). Spolverizzare subito di zucchero a velo, quando sono ancora caldissimi.

This year I really wanted to try new Christmas recipes that I saw on blogs, books and magazines, so many cakes, cookies, but also roasts and tasty appetizers that I could prepare for Christmas lunch. I like tradition, but sometimes changing the same old menu it's not so bad. Unfortunately, because of my job and because of this weariness that this year is worst then ever (years are passing by!) I tried very few recipes and Christmas has almost arrived!
These cookies participate to the Eat Christmas Cookies event by Susan. I wanted to post this recipe within 17 December but I really couldn't. Sorry Susan!
Ingredients: 170gr (0.75cup - 6oz) flour - 220gr (0.8 - 7oz) almonds flour - 150gr (0.6cup - 5oz) sugar - 160gr (0.7cup - 5.6oz) butter - 100gr (0.4cup - 3.5oz) raisins - 1 pinch of salt - icing sugar.
First of all put raisins in warm water to soften, then squeeze them and dry them with a cloth. Mix together both flours, sugar and salt, then add eggs, cold butter and finally raisins. Stir well. Place the dough in a polythene bag and leave it in the fridge for 1 hour to rest.
For the cooking: now it's up to you, you can choose between crunchy or soft cookies (I still can't decide which one I prefer!).
For soft ones, form little balls (big as a nut) and place them on a baking sheet, then bake at 160°C (310F) for 10-11 minutes (take out when they start colouring on the edges). For crunchy ones, after formed little balls press them lightly and bake at 160°C (310F) for 15-17 minutes (the should be a nice brown colour). Sprinkle them with icing sugar when still hot.
No apologies necessary, Pip. you have until the 24th. And all is good when you present me with such beautiful, delicious cookies. I simple adore raisins and would love to try some of these cookies right now with my mug of tea. Thanks so much for thinking of me during this hectic time of year! Cheers, Susan
ReplyDeleteChe belli Pip!!!! :-))))
ReplyDeleteVisto che susan li ha apprezzat!!!????
bacio ni e tanti auguri di felici feste!
Pip i tuoi biscotti sono sempre fenomenali..buone feste!
ReplyDeleteSusan: I'm glad you like them! I really wanted to participate, I'm a big fan of yours! ;-)
ReplyDeleteGourmet: Già visto! Buone feste anche a te!
Elisa: grazie, ricambio gli auguri!
Buoni, buoni, buoni!!!
ReplyDeletetanti auguri di Buon Natale!
Yummy! Love this cookie.
Cipolla: tanti auguri anche a te!
ReplyDeleteAnnarasa: thanks! :)
Very tasty with hot milk :) good memories from when I was just a little girl.
ReplyDeleteLore: well I should try them with hot milk too, thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteThe number (weight) of eggs is not described.
ReplyDeleteHi thanks for pposting this